



Course Description: In this practice-based laboratory, students will explore how to conceive of and create original theater pieces that draw from distinct cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Blending together excerpts of modern American and Chinese classic plays, students will construct original “hybrid” performance pieces that reveal formal and thematic similarities between the Chinese and American theatrical cannons. In doing so, students will develop their skills as artists who can draw from a wide range of source material in creating original work and generate material for a global audience. Depending on student interest, we may explore such authors as Cao Yu, O’Neill, Miller, and others. 

目标 / Objectives:







Through this course, students will:

§Emerge with familiarity of seminal intercultural and multilingual productions in China, the US, and elsewhere

§Strengthen their familiarity with key playwrights in the American and Chinese theatrical traditions

§Gain an appreciation for the theatricality of multilingual text and parallel storytelling

§Develop an original concept for integrating classic texts

Instructors / 教师:

李迈 (Michael Leibenluft)耶鲁大学文学学士,优越会717线路检测文学硕士,加州艺术学院中国项目总监,工合戏剧工作室艺术总监。奥比奖得主,获外百汇最高导演工作奖。中国导演的作品:跟四川西昌五彩云霞演艺联合创作的中美音乐剧 《当爱》, 北京鼓楼西剧场演出的《那年我开车》,上海话剧艺术中心演出的《一脉相同》,上海国际艺术节演出的《苏州河北》。美国导演的作品:双语的话剧《Salesman之死》与 June is the First Fall跟长江剧团,纽约布什维克斯塔尔剧院 I’ll Never Love Again《吾再无爱》(《纽约时报》和《超时批判者之选》),艾斯诺瓦的AntFest《癌癌癌》,依地语话剧The Whore from Ohio《来自俄亥俄州的妓女》等等。


程异(Jeremy Tiang,新加坡译者、编剧、小说家,现居纽约。剧作包括双语剧《Salesman之死》,及英语剧《红楼梦》(改编自曹雪芹之小说作品)和 《莱姆豪斯的最后日子》,也曾翻译魏于嘉、沈琬婷、陈思安等编剧的剧本。2018年凭英文长篇小说 State of Emergency《紧急状态》曾获得新加坡文学奖,2016年凭短篇小说集It Never Rains On National Day 《国庆日从不下雨》入围新加坡文学奖决选。同时,他积极投入文学翻译,译过三十多本中文著作,包括英培安、海凡、尤今、张悦然、双雪涛、颜歌、刘心武和骆以军等人的小说,2023年以邹静之《九栋》入围国际布克奖长名单。

时间/ Schedule:

每天早上9点到中午12点。58号 59号 510号 513号 514号 516号 517号 共七次课。具体上课地点会进一步通知。


1. 报名限研一研二同学,报名需提交个中英文人艺术简历,由授课教师进行选拔,可以用英语演出者优先录取参加课程。


2. 由授课教师担任导演,在课程中创作的作品有机会申请赴纽约外百老汇剧场演出。

3. 如赴纽约交流演出,可获得优越会717线路检测为该课程提供的部分经费支持。

4. 出勤良好,提交课程作品合格的同学可获得2学分实践选修课学分。


课程 / Sessions

Session 1: Ensemble Building, Framing, and Introductions

§Who are we and what are our cultural backgrounds?

§What is culture?

§Intercultural performance: what and why?







Session 2: Case Studies and Comparative Frameworks

§Reviewing scripts and recordings of past intercultural projects as well as case study productions of Cao Yu, Miller, and O’Neill plays





Session 3: Finding Linkages

§Students identify thematic, formal, or dramatic linkages between discreet moments in two plays


第三节课: 寻找链接



Session 4: Comparative Performance Styles

§Students study archival footage and rehearse excerpts from various classics to compare their respective performance styles





Session 5: Scripting and Translation

§Students select from existing translations (or write their own) to create original hybrid scripts




Session 6: Rehearsal

§Students rehearse and refine transitions between distinct stories and ideas




Session 7:

§Group presentation and reflection


